Been a hot minute since we got an official devlog for the game. No my Prototype's middling reviews haven't made me abandon the game. Though this devlog might be a little lop-sided. Most of my progress has been made with the draft itself. I've made slight progress in other areas, namely the Steam Page I finally learned to set up. It's under review currently, but I will of course have a post to announce its creation.
Good news, I am on the last two chapters of the draft. I've clocked in over 30k words ever since the last update! So…about three hours of gameplay? I mean these are unpolished chapters and can be expanded upon later. I believe this time next devlog, the first draft will be finished. I'm so happy to have the game's idea complete before the demo's official release. I mean my draft so far is a runaway train full of plotholes and moments where it flies off the rails, but it's MY trainwreck! And no, the prototype is not the demo. I plan to expand upon what I have. I'm aiming for 40k words! Now for the bad news, I cannot say anything more… Yeah, and this is the meatiest part of the devlog…man I stink at these.
I am STILL UNEMPLOYED! I had several job interviews, one which ended in the person not showing up. Now, I did have to make a bunch of capsule art for my steam page. Problem is, I just took the same image and recalled it over and over. Yeah that base artwork is NOT going to be pretty… That's just more artwork for me to buy, that I can't afford. Yeah maybe I shouldn't have pursued that Master's Degree…
Aside from writing inpy script, there was no programming advances made. I mean did do a lot of gimp in crunching down images, but not much to talk about here…
Most of the marketing comes from the Steam Page that's under review. Now I could talk a "social experiment" I rean where I tried to advertise my last blog on several subreddits. One of them got my post deleted, and the other got me no traction. I did learn that posting blogs and asking for followers is probably a lot more acceptable than a catchy headline and a link. I digress.
Setting up the steam was fairly easy, it just had a lot of steps. Sadly they don't let just upload blank pages for you to funnel to. Sad, but I suppose quality control is a necessity when the primary visual novels uploaded are porn and/or AI-generated shovelware. Not that I'm complaining, I just hate photo editing in all forms. I do need to up my twitter game though, hard to post images and reveals when you're broke and with most of them in your prototype.
So after realizing how short and unfulfilling this post is, I've decided to go back to freelance writing. So that means I've posted just about everywhere that won't get me banned. I had to reduce my rates, but times are tough and the job hunt still sucks as badly as it did a month ago. Maybe I'll write the next Stein's Gate and get famous? Well it's fine to dream, but it's terrible to believe in they'll come true.
In conclusion, being unemployed sucks. I mean I'm not starving, I just can't advance my game's marketing aside from posts like these. But that doesn't mean I don't post at all. I mean I have that one developer who reads my blogs to entertain. I'm very excited to finish this draft. I can always push back my release date, but a story may as well be the spine of the visual novel. I hate that I don't have more to show for my progress, but this train just keeps on chugging.
I appreciate you taking time out of your day to read through this. For me, just putting myself back out there is a big step forward! I hope to publish a new devlog bi-weekly on both itch and my steam once I get the page uploaded.If you'd like to support me, follow me on twitter at and join my mailing list for more personalized updates AND a free game!
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