Hello, everyone! I'm very happy to announce that the Kickstarter for my latest game, Under Ashen Skies, is finally live! As some of you know, I've been working on this game on and off for the past three years, and thanks to the help of Alan Bahr, who I approached a few months ago to see if he would be interested in finishing it since it was evident I was struggling with it, it is finally done! This is a really special and unique game, and as such we thought it deserved some extra love, instead of going straight to retail. I think that it's a really cool game that would benefit from some more art and that sort of stuff, so here we are asking for your help to make it happen!
In Under Ashen Skies you take the role of a person who awakes in a world of darkness, loss and horror with no memories of who they are. In order to understand who you were and what this place is, you must venture out from your apartment, the only place seemingly safe, and explore the different locations and locales of the town of Riverside, encountering other inhabitants of this strange place (some of them as lost as you are, others with a semblance of understanding), indescribable horrors, and pieces of your broken mind that will help you learn who you really are.
Under Ashen Skies is a horror single-player RPG, with a focus on combat, survival and exploration, and heavily inspired by Hellraiser, Silent Hill, the Orphic mysteries, and the works of Junji Ito. From the safety of your apartment, you will venture out to explore the broken town of Riverside, in search of answers, gear and resources. With a system of randomized loot you will never find the same piece of gear twice! But make sure you maintain it or else it will break down and you’ll be unable to use it. You will scavenge and salvage all you need, from tools and crafting resources to medical supplies. Finding good gear is crucial in order to fight the relentless cold and the hordes of strange Phonoi or the terrible Makhe that seem to rule over them. But don’t lose track of time! For wasting it will surely condemn you to the horrors of the Devouring, the wave of pure madness that sometimes takes over Riverside, transforming it into a mirror of hell.
In Under Ashen Skies, you will:
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