Hello Everyone, I want to let you know about why I haven't been uploading new web games or artworks recently. First of all I am losing motivation on my larger projects. Working on a Mac is like being a black sheep in the game dev community so I honestly don't know if commercial game development is even possible on a Mac to begin with and from I know no developer would ever use a Mac to program a game even in Unity. My life in the real world has not been easier since I uploaded my last web game. My mom has an disease with no known cure (Sjogren's Syndrome), she was even hospitalized at one point this summer. My mom sickness has brought a mental toll on me and my family, which was preventing me from working on game projects. I recently have been dealing with depression and anxiety ever since my mom was sick, which is probably why I am losing motivation for game development. I also got a part time job in the morning, and I had been spending more time studying programming than practicing my art. I had recently been practicing my art in Adobe Photoshop, but I have a lot of self doubt on my art skills.
So I would like to announce that I will be taking a short break from game development for a few months so I could get better at other technical skills that is also important to becoming a game developer other than programming. I also would like to announce that I might start Youtube soon, and I would make a website that showcases never before seen art and sketches I had made within the last year or two at the end of this year.
I hope to come back to game development soon, once things in my life are figured out.
Otherwise, I hope you had a great summer!
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