Hi there, I've just discovered that i can't receive payments through my PayPal account and that has thrown a wrench in my plans. Stripe is definitely not an option for me as I would rather not connect my identity to this type of smut so I'll need to find an alternative. The best I can think of for now is crypto but that is not something I would like to use In the long run as it's not something I can integrate with itch.io so it will most likely be stressful for potential supporters. I'll try to get something else but this does not seem like something I will be able to resolve in the near future.
Don't worry though, this problem will not affect the development of Hemsworth manor and I will see it through for as long as I possibly can. The tiers will still be left up so players can see what I want to offer and it will be up to them to decide if they are ok with crypto payments. I'll also need their discord usernames since I can't use the supporter email system now.
That's all for now, see you in the coming progress report.
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