Welp I've started it again. I've been on this road since 2017 and each time I've told myself I'm too busy or not skilled enough.
It started with gary.gb, a project where I managed to get the environment all set up and a sprite moving around with grid movement. Then I tried to simplify with Python and the game got too bloated and I lost focus or didn't have enough skill to make music or art assets. Then it was like pullstarting a seized engine. Until now. I've downloaded Visual Studio Community 2022, installed Raylib, and have started prototyping a game using C (I mean it's a C++ compiler but I'm avoiding any of them C++ benefits).
I imagine I'll get something working, then try to port it over to the Game Boy. I've heard that all the best programmers decouple their game from the engine. I've also heard that Modern Warfare 2 was jury rigged out of duct tape, spit, and chewing gum. So we'll see how it goes.
The game concept is a top-down turn based immersive sim. Basically go up to a phone, can call someone, pick it up, throw it. Something to that effect. I figured faking object oriented styled object will help. But I'm a self-taught programmer so who knows what I'm talking about.
I ain't got no real art skillz but some of the earliest games out there were made using basic shapes or even ASCII characters so I figure I'll get some slack for going the same route. I also really have zero music skills so... yeah. Luckily those won't matter until we actually get to the GB hardware (since I'll have to do fancy something with sprites or whatever).
I'm rambling but the point is, I started this blog to force me to work on this project. So far I got grid-based movement and player facing.
I'll keep plinking away and hopefully I'll get somewhere.
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