Hey! It's been a while. Before I give some detail on what comes next, I just want to once more give a big thank you to those who have and continue to enjoy the previous visual novel I made, Midnights in Gaudium! This visual novel will always be special to me, because I had to be so specific about everything I did from the scenes to the dialogue not only because of it being a story, but due to its significance in future installments.
I like the idea of not going for HD renders, I mean, I could, but the aesthetic I go for typically doesn't revolve around telling a story the technical/modern way. I like going for something that feels true to my vision (no pun intended). Now, on to the sweet bits!
Here is some news about my forthcoming project:
It takes a place about two months after the events of Midnights in Gaudium in an entirely new region known as Yanpoth.
(Excluding the return of the main character and technically another) expect a new slate of characters! I'm uncertain about any direct character returns.
I will say this much: If you're expecting Midnights in Gaudium 2, you will likely find yourself disappointed. The story may pick up where it left off, but, as I mentioned before, Midnights in Gaudium, as a whole, was written with the idea of being a prologue (Cyberpunk 2077 inspired this bit, an introduction to a game being four hours long was unheard of to me, so I thought, "why not do that, but for an entire visual novel?")
In conclusion, I can't wait to share this next part of the story with you all! :)
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