Up the Hill Down to the Nevermind has been out for less than a month and yet it has nearly 1k more views than Akasha Dreams and almost as many downloads! Thank you all so much for playing and enjoying. The terrific launch and great reception to our game has made both of us very happy and I, at least, am very motivated to make more.
We had half a thought to make a website in order to blog stuff and have a succinct area for information, but honestly Itch seems to fill both these niches (or, scratch both of these itches) pretty well. Would you all be interested in seeing further blog posts about our experience and thoughts making our games?
Frankly, hearing your thoughts and criticisms fuels me. I've been desperately scrounging for reviews and critiques (positive and negative) and googling the game name to find those. I've found some good reviews, but also, some... interesting results. Like, "sad porn games free download" linking our game and "Up the Hill Down to the Nevermind Cheats on PC". You sons of bitches better not be cheating in my damn game. Anyway, please send us your thoughts! Message us, comment here, whatever. Any advice that you think would make our next game better, any thoughts you had, any anything.
Again, thank you all very much! I hope you will continue to play what we release.
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