Hey all!
I want your opinion on what game I should make next.
Comment down below which of these 3 I should make! Deadline is August 1st. If I don't receive enough comments, I will randomly choose 1 of the 3.
Options 1: Emojis
A 2D mascot horror game similar to my game Granny 6: No Escape. You play as an employee of Emojis Inc who has a feeling something's not right about the Emojis Amusement Park. Turn of 10 switches to turn it off the power and shut down the animatronics Happy, Sleepy, and Angry, who will try their hardest to kill you. Lots of lore!
Options 2: Doll Days
A 2D episodic mascot horror game also similar to my game Granny 6: No Escape. You are a vengeful father who is here to sabotage Doll Days Co from the inside. Feel the horror growing in your heart as horrific playthings creep closer and closer. Face the terror of toys come alive!
Options 3: Children at Play
A 2D horror game the most of all these 3 similar to my game Granny 6: No Escape. You play as an orphan who entered the forbidden room at the end of the hall and instantly NEVER regrets it. Demons SAVIORS are out to play in the form of innocent children. The only way out is a back exit, but you probably won't survive long enough to get past all the locks WANT TO LEAVE EVER... Whatever you do, just don't let him catch you LET HIM IN!
PRETTY PLEASE comment down below if you want option 1, 2, or 3. Thanks a lot!!
Firey Phoenix Games
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