Hello guys, I know it’s been a year since I did a few things on here. It’s me, Luna the head dev, who had a weird mind to do some shitty games, and I’m here to talk about, what I’m doing and what is going on. I “had” big project but few times I cancelled it for a reason like;
Reason 1 : Project is too big to do. Reason 2 : Project has so much lore dump. Reason 3 : Project Leader (it’s me only) cannot decide to make game on some game engine.
Now I’m doing it for a smaller thing but more immersive sim. Like Deus Ex or Cruelty Squad did but crazier way with retro style from 90s. With corporations taken over society’s mind via media, 4chan schizo mind style, this story wilder than Deus Ex was. Maybe too “offensive” for today’s standards, but hey, I’m trying to do is entertain people via playing the game, not offend anyone.
I think about, “do I have a fan base or not?”, but I don’t have it. Since my “Starfield Wad for Doom” somewhat skyrocketed, its download rate, now I think I have a fan base. If you’re, please share your thing on this project. Like what you want to see on this game kinda thing.
End of this post, thanks for following me, and thanks for supporting me. I still have the big project to do but, looks like it’s going to take time like 2–3 years. Like Todd Howard does, an RPG game to make in every 5 years. That means, I need to play some retro type of game to learn about it more to get inspired.
Luna is out, have a nice day!!!
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