Hello everyone,
I've been a producer/project manager for a long time, but never have I worked on a product for the adult gaming community. I just wanted to quickly talk about how welcoming the community has been overall, from other developers in the space to those showing interest in our game SOULCOOM. To be honest, it was a bit unexpected, but a welcome surprise.
I've received great incites from developers who have been working in the space for a long while, particularly about marketing adult content where many of the typical avenues I would go down sensor such material. I'd also like to thank all the people who have said how much they've enjoyed our game so far and can't wait to see what it evolves into.
The community we build around our games has always been something I find fascinating, and vital to success. I've been fortunate in my career to meet many wonderful people, and I feel privileged to say the same is occurring now in the adult games scene. Adapting practices and principles one would normally apply to regular video games has also been a wonderful experiment that continues to evolve.
I'll end with this. Be consistent, be honest, and most importantly be responsive to the people around you. It's working for us, and I look forward to meeting more wonderful people as we continue to develop SOULCOOM.
Best regards,
Spaw (Discord)
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