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Bonus game customisation secrets

Since you are all building the game using ASDF and Embeddable Common Lisp yourselves, here are the basic game parameters and a BONUS CHALLENGE

Let's reiterate what dependencies/building are like (but let's be in openbsd hypothetically):

# ksh
doas pkg_add sdl2 rlwrap ecl
echo "(require :asdf)" > ~/.eclrc ; obvious typo was obvious
rlwrap ecl
(require :jam-no-theme)
(in-package :ja)

Now! The basic parameters I fiddled with for the game balance are:

(defparameter *leaves/flowers* 2/31) 
(defparameter *flowers/berries* 2/21)
(defparameter *berry-satiation* 6)
(defparameter *max-seeds* 4)
(defparameter *seedbox* 5)
(defparameter *default-treasures* 10)
(defparameter *player-starting-hunger* 20)
;; And the special two:
(defparameter *funs* (list)) ; everything that happens per frame of the game
(defparameter *programming* (eval *default-program*)) ; What bots do

So all these parameters can just have different values.

*default-program* is like this:

(lambda (bot) (funcall bot :move (nth (random '4) '(e n w s)))

Good lisp hacker you could write a better AI than a 2D drunk walk, right?

So the bonus challenge is to write a better AI than I. I'll announce my subjective winner on my show tomorrow. How lame would it be if I won my own challenge. It'll be the same time and link as always, see last week's mastodon toot:

And I'll upload a video of the bots doing their thing.

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