【Little Planet Release Note】
Pleased to inform you that Little Planet has now been updated to Version 0.0.23!
In this release, there are 1 New Feature and some changes made.
New Features:
1.Avatar(alpha)'s clothing added ; when you enter the game, you will be randomly assigned as a male (NEW) or female. And your outfits will be randomly changed.
2.Weather System (rain/snow/wind) (work in process, not available yet).
1. The coordination between NPC's voice and speech bubbles has been improved (still being optimized).
Since many features are on the schedule, you may not see your suggestions implemented in a short time. We will seriously consider and discuss everyone's suggestions and ideas! Please remember to check the channel info regularly, we will try our best to synchronize the progress of the latest updates here. We will update spoilers on the channel from time to time.
We kindly ask you to post your suggestions and bugs on our Discord channels, we will try to fix bugs ASAP.
It will be highly appreciated if you can provide the record video and log files.
1. If you cannot update directly, try reinstalling the latest version after uninstalling version 0.0.22.
2. Since Little Planet is still in the pre-alpha stage, we may delete files in the future, which means that your data will be reset. Please be noted. 3. Feel free to try out the multiplayer with your friends and post pics in play-together channel!
Have a good time!
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