Thanks: Seriously, a huge thank you to everyone who's supported the game on and of course the seven wonderful people who've already subbed to the Patreon! For what little I've released of the game, I honestly can't believe the reception has been this amazing. Thank you all so much.
Status Update:
The game is coming along nicely! I've been working on it every day when I have the time, so hopefully the next version update isn't too far away. I'm also hoping my workflow becomes a bit more optimized over time, allowing me to work faster than my current sluggish (feeling) pace. Not that I really have an idea of what a good pace is...
Discord Stuff:
I went ahead and added Discord roles as a benefit to flesh out the Patreon tiers a bit, with the caveat being the server doesn't yet exist. (lol)
If anyone has any interest in setting up/running/moderating/yodeling the server, please let me know. I'll be honest and say I don't have a whole lot of interest in doing it, but I will if no one else comes forward.
Casper Cosplay: Please enjoy this adorable, completely random, ridiculously large (8k), rather bloomy shot of Casper cosplaying as a witch for some reason. (I was testing shaders/lighting/stuff. Not sure who made the scene itself, but it wasn't me.)
Note: Can't put the whole pic here, but you can grab it in its 8k glory from the attachments on the Patreon post.
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