OK I have recently been going down a unity rabbet hole learning how to use the engine and switching from G develop to Unity. And I'm all like "ok lets make a multiplayer game" and if u read my bio you would know that I have told u guys about RAG and its development. I saw Dani and I saw Redbug Redfern *guy who made Redmatch 2* and really liked there low poly style. Now Dani is basically the person that made me start developing *milk gang forever* , But I'm just a bozo making shity ah games in my bedroom. So I have decided to use Danis style mixed with Redmatch 2 type multiplayer and see how it goes . Like I said I'm very dumb so when this releases expect many bugs, Like a lot. I will be posting more about the MAKING OF RAG and i will try to post a dev log on YouTube. Since I like Dani so much im going to call u guys bozos cuz y e s.
All right im gonna hit the sack and drink milk. Peace bozos
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*bozo developer alert*