Below this post is a WIP of Serena. One of my later designs for the "Conquest" Path where Serena's internal structure is being corrupted by her behavior and Lilim's influence. Below this is a super early design of when I called the protag "Luna". As you can see, the design is light years better and its almost embarrassing to think that this came from me, but it did. It was a super early design. It was never used.
I have come along way and even better news, I finally learned a trick to maneuver my stills to look different to react to a scene. A very welcome change. Example below. Notice Norah is a touch different in this scene? She is larger and more left of center. I made it that way. And I am going to mess with images again to make sure I can do the same with other scenes.
Also I have a deep Mass effect-ish Paragon/renegade like system being added.
Thanks again for your support!
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