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​Development Note

Hey Guys! 

The combat system is almost done but there are still some things to be finished like adding and adapting the remaining potions and adding extra attacks for enemies.

Release date is 14-15 for tier 2 and tier 3 patrons and for the public it will be released on 21-22.

If I release on the 15th for patrons, the 14th will be used to do a more in-depth revision of the game to remove possible bugs, but only if I can't.

I already finished almost all the enemies of the combat, I'm still working with the slime king because he requires more work than the other enemies.

I'm also adding the NPCs to the game.

The new update will have about 7-8 new NPCs spread around the islands.

Close to the release date, I will make a post about everything that was added.

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Congrats on the milestone! Excited to see more females contribute. Would love some yuri events as time goes on...


Thanks! Who knows i can add yuri in some update.👀