Taking my first steps into designing my vertical slice for one of my Msc Assignments, The proposed vertical slice is a VR game built in unity that aims to teach users how to learn sign language, using the hand pose recognition that is currently available via the Meta Quest. As it is aimed at Educational purposes Accesibility is a key focus as i wish to include as many users as possible to be able to utilise the software, finding relevant information is an arduos task with information being dotted all over the place and no concise database to work from. The initial phase of development will revolve around UI development to ensure accessiblity features are addressed before implementing anything else. This will be a 2 part project, this initial artefact of basic pose recognition will be a precursor to My dissertation project that will expand on this slice to incorporate BSL(British Sign Language), with the aspiration of the possibility of Addressing other languages down the line.
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