Hi Guys,
I have a lot of great news to share with you all so let's get to it! Yesterday was the release of Faceless, The second game to hit Itch.IO, But the third project I've made. The first project is a simple Endless runner which was the first project I've made and is really unfinished, So soon Evade will be hitting Itch as a fun little browser game to play.
The fourth project is in the works and is another team project, So you can expect that probably this year alongside another project of mine, Ghost Train. The first project done by myself! Finally we have a short lil' fangame to a game made by one of my friends - So you can expect that game (it has no title currently) sometime soon!
Ghost Train's page will be made shortly and soon I'll be able to announce it's release date, So I'll see you there!
- The Redcoat
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