the next step of the NSG roadmap has begun its developmet.
im working currently on game number 2. blastel battle grounds
although development itself on the game has not gone very far yet. it is happening. i will be posting posts and clips of the games development on the discord here, aswell as posting here whenever a playable update comes about. i will try to allow the people who want to, to play the game every step of the way. from shitty prototype. to full steam release. i will also be trying to get an auto updater working too. if there is an update. instead of going all the way back here. you will be able to play the new update as soon as you launch the game.
the site and develop page for the game will be available upon the first update.
the update convention will also be different then most games, as i will not be considering the game to be "released" until the full steam 1.0 version. the game will be considered as in "beta". in the bottom left hand of the main menu screen for the game. there will be the game version
consisting of 4 numbers.
the first 0. indicates the full release. will be what the full release will be called. will be what the rework would be called. if i ever think that the game itself needs a complete revamp.
the second 0 indicates for major updates. will be the first public release. if i add a new game mode, or a new character. or big changes. the number will stay the same until the next major update/
the third 0 indicates for minor updates. will be the first minor update. a new stage could of been added, or a menu could of been added or updated. similarly to the major updates. this number will stay the same, over time.
the final 0 is for minor patches. this could be bug fixes, or incredibly minor things. depending on how quickly a bug fix needs to be added. the first one could be or unlike the other numbers this will change depending on the updates before it. if the game is on patch and the game updates to the final number will be reset. the same will happen when a major or release update occurs.
think of the update marker as a tracker. listing every important change. the patch updates aren't important for long amounts of time so they aren't necessary to keep track of across updates.
thanks for reading,
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