Hey there!
Just wanted to let you know that my new adventure, Hoss, is funding on Kickstarter right now. You can head to the page here.
Hoss is an adventure compatible with the Mothership Sci-Fi Horror RPG. This zine is 8.5" x 5.5" and is expected to be around 25 pages.
Hoss, fought for steelworkers' rights on his planet eventually getting the ruling corp, Sovereign Bliss, to agree to build a large refinery on one of the derrick towns. When Sovereign kept taking ever more significant cuts of the refinery's business, eventually shutting it down, the steelworkers struck. Apparently taking advantage of the situation, the entire derrick was destroyed in a large blast- killing thousands. Hoss was there to get people back on their feet. Hoss kicked Sovereign out. Hoss planted the bomb and framed Sovereign.
13 years later, a vital piece of evidence linking Hoss to the bombing has gone missing. One of the other union leaders' children has infiltrated his organization to avenge their mother who was killed in the blast. Sovereign Bliss is trying to find a way to take Hoss down. Hoss can feel his grip on the planet slipping, what will he do to keep hold of it?
"The world of Hoss is rich and contorted. The setting is unique to Mothership and kisses the familiar and industrial age in a grand twist of greed and extreme effort to maintain the appearance of "For the People". Top this off with variable endings based on the crews' decisions and potential for an Epic Boss Battle, and you have yourself another memorable campaign from Tim!" - Marco Serrano
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