- The map was not reloading properly! You now have a fixed map per run.
- Fix : BLASPHEMY was not displaying, to a lot of people this will look like a brand new feature... It's like heat jauge in hades: you can choose modifiers to have more currency during runs
- Chest and stash reward flow have been improved, but still need some more work
- Options are now available
- Fix : A drawing skill was making the game crash in some circumstances
- Skill usage has been made a bit more clearer
- Visual integration has been improved in some places, but it still needs work
- New hit visual effects (flash frame) on monsters & panya
- Fix : enemies turn was showcased two times
- Fix : weakness & power can now stack
- Fix : Upgraded Purging Flames was not working on all monsters
- Fix : You could scroll during events and lose your cursor
- Fix : sometimes
- Sands of time is much more interesting
- You can add a card in Rest Nodes
- 5 new potions have made their way through the game
- New card : Mighty Attack
- New event : Secret chambers
- New status & card : Arcane - Improves poison
- The Fallen Bird boss
- More polish and debugging
- This fucking bug that makes "pebbles of abundance" not drawing cards properly.
- Card unlock with levels
- and much more (god this to do list is so long)
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