I decided I would like to announce that I am slowly building my first game in 2 years after I decided to try be a music producer instead but I still would like to keep my game making passion and so my way of doing that is making games again in my spare time.
I say I am making my first game but it may not be my first game to come out, because I have some other ideas I would like to contend with before confirming the game. I have a few platformer ideas, RPG ideas, some unique 3d game ideas but I would like to focus on finishing one game first as like I mentioned, I haven't developed or programmed in 2 years.
I know itch is seen as a perfect place to post games but I will not be selling my games here, its not anything personal against people who do use it as a marketplace but I will be putting all my games onto Game Jolt and only using Itch as my devblog, I know there is a twitter like feature on Game Jolt which I will be using, its not enough. So hope people actually read what I have to say, and are interested in my ideas.
If you want to know what I will be using, most of my games will be made with Gdevelop 5 for my 2D stuff, however for 3D I'm not sure yet. I just started playing around with an engine called Manu so that might work out for me as it can read Magica files but I'm not sure yet. Obviously Gdevelop is capable of 3D to an extent so I might attempt a game in Gdevelop one day in 3D but it doesn't look feasible right now and as they themselves have said, it is a 2D engine at heart.
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