I have been thinking of doing this for a long time 馃槄I guess I gotta start somewhere.
Basically I will post weekly a summary of the whole week on my game dev process with Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday but this week I will just give background story to my programming.
I've always wanted to make games even at a young age (like before preschool age) but I thought I was too hard and I didn't know where to start,
First thought of something related to making games was me thinking of my own my own rainbow road in the toilet pooping, yes that's where all good ideas come frombut mine looks like this
First time I was introduced to programming was when I was 9. One of my friends had just been using this thing called scratch. He showed me on the school computer I tried and the moment I got on … it made no sense the shapes, the colours, the words, the numbers, I ended up confused.
Later on the same year in the 2 week holidays i asked if i could use my mums old computer i found in her cupboard to try this new thing my friend showed me she said yes and i turned it on, it was one of those outdated slow broken rusty big computers, after a while it finally turned on and my mum entered the pin, i clicked on google and when it finally opened i typed in what i had remembered scratch.mit.edu now i didn't know what to do so i got on the youtube and searched for a tutorial i'm pretty sure i watched this video Cat chasing mouse game - Scratch Absolute Beginner Game and recreated it, i just made it absolutely impossible by adding 5 cats and making them fast, i showed my mum and she was amazed then i made a apple catch game
and started understanding the logic (i can't find the tutorial used) sadly i don't have these games due to not having a scratch account yet, so i made a account and made a shooter game i kept making more and more games, until one day in the 2 month school holiday i decided to work on a little side project that i was supposed to end in 2 months i ended up working on it for 4 years it looked fnishible but
also i had made 100+ side project, but this time i finished it
Shortly after I started searching for a new programming language, first I tried c++ but i don't like it. then i found unity and made and account i tried it with c# visual studio and i liked it but after a few side projects my account got disabled i assume because i faked my age (you have to be 18 to do unity why??????? Probably cause you can make money but why????????? ) but now all my unity stuff gone so i stayed on scratch for a while until one day i found gamemaker2
(don't worry i am old enough for gamemaker)and that's where i am now i skipped a lot of stuff but i don't want this to be 1000+ words long so i need to finish a new side project so to do so i will post so i can get motivated to finish.
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