- New professions:
- added NPC for Refining and Crafting
- New resource spots:
*Copper ore
*Tin ore
*Log spot
*Oak spot
*Fox skin spot
*Boar skin spot
- added Quality to items (with higher quality items base stats are increased and requirements also):
* Normal
* Decent
* Good
* Outstanding
* Perfect
* Masterpiece
- added Rarity to items:
* Normal
* Uncommon (item contains random additional option)
* Rare (item contains two random additional options)
* Excellent (item contains two random additional options and 1 or 2 excellent options, and base item stats are higher than normal items)
- added cool-down (5 seconds) to usable item bar
- item information window can be "movable"
- added 2 new droppable item type:
* Box of Luck - after drop on ground high chance to receive Tier I item with level +5 or higher
* Box of Kundun + 1 - after drop on ground high chance to receive Tier I item Excellent Rarity
- added two new monsters:
* Golden Goblin (drops Box of Kundun +1)
* Golden Budge Dragon (drops Box of Luck)
- added Upgrade Item option (Level and Quality)
* just click on item in inventory that you want to upgrade and use Upgrade button
- changed attack hit formula
- fixed adding stats not working
- fixed not reachable fishing spots
- fixed inventory and storage sorting
- fixed some typos
- fixed menu tabs
- fixed setting button icon in lobby
- fixed duration below 0
- fixed deployed resources visible after re-log
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