Hello everyone! These Stars Will Guide You Home is my upcoming project, currently in development and with the Kickstarter campaign launching on February 7th. So what's it all about?
These Stars (for short) is a solo journaling rpg heavily inspired by the Odyssey and the Aeneid, in which you travel through a mysterious archipelago looking for a new home for your people. Then, in the second phase of the game, you play as the descendent of one of the sailors writing the epic poem about the journey so it can be remembered through history.
Like for Superstition and The Royal Cartographer, I like making games that have you re-examine what you've written before, which is why These Stars presents a two-act structure just like TRC did. There's a bit of a push-your-luck mechanic as you attempt to explore the archipelago, which also changes each time you play through, hopefully achieving a sense of the world exisiting whether you choose to explore it or not.
Also, it will be illustrated by Ennie-nominated cartographer Fernando Salvaterra, who is doing some AMAZING work (I think you could tell from the image up top).
I have at least three dev diaries coming up to explain the development of the game and what I'm trying to achieve. In the meantime, why not take a look at the beta (it's free to download) and sign up to be notified when the KS campaign launches?
I hope this will be the more collaborative of my games, interacting with the people who play it and back it - but all will be revealed in due time. This is a journey I hope to undertake with some companions!
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