Rise for the fight is ready for pre-alpha testing! Here are some things I have experienced with this project:
- Making video games is fun, yet really difficult, especially when making multiplayer games.
- Troubleshooting code for me has been really fun, helpful, and frustrating all the same time.
- I am constantly learning new things with Unity and C#, which is fantastic!
- My coding knowledge is not the greatest.
- I have some room for improvement with this game, but I have yet to find it.
With all that said, here are some things you can expect from the project in the future:
- Expanded Server Capacity, at least 100 Active Players at once.
- More Maps and Modes.
- Cleaner UI
- Smoother gameplay, with less lag.
- Damage Indicators for Multiplayer.
- Much more, which will be shared in the future. ;)
If you would like to playtest the game for yourself, and give feedback, here is the link to the game:
Rise for the Fight - Pre Alpha by Reece Makes Games (itch.io)
Have fun! :D
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