I've been working on a project (a game) called Pomegranate Monster for a while now. I really like how it's come along! And I'm almost done... This'll be my first game and I'm so excited and nervous to release it-
-It's an analog horror. The name kind of gives it away, but- Pomegranate Monster is an analog horror that contains implied violence and moderate gore content. It also mostly takes place in a hospital-esque setting. That being said, it's probably not for the faint of heart. It's also not really meant for little kids either-
-It'll come with a cost. I have put so much effort into bringing this thing to where it is. I will not be giving this game for free unfortunately-
-Right now there is no set release date. I don't want to have the "I'll release it whenever" attitude towards the game or its people, but right now I literally don't have a set release date. If I DO decide on a release date however (hopefully soon), I'll post news about the release date-
I've had some wonderful people help me with some of the game's aspects, such as Illustrating, Beta-Testing, and Sound Effect Producing- I thank all of them dearly and I appreciate their help more than they know it- They are:
Fishy McChicken
magicmickmagee on Tumblr (Sound Producer)
Biichanbelover on Tumblr/Pixilart, Zntyv on Twitch, and D.E. Pringles (Beta-Testers)
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I am eager to see how this develops and I am positive this will be a great game