We call you HAXEN. Those that make incursions into the Requiem, the wasteland, the murdered past killed by the capricious and sorcerous rich. Will you defy fate, or will your corpse join the billions already dead?
Haxen is a single player hex crawl game based on the Forged in the Dark engine. You use a table of runes to create points of interest, interpret moves and encounters, and inspire you to make your own post-apocalyptic mix of science fiction and fantasy. All in an 8 page zine!
Check out the KS page for more, as well as the following social media links. Any boosts or comments you can give would be much appreciated. This is the first time I'm launching a project outside any promotional event and it's a little scary! Please and thank you!
Twitter: https://twitter.com/NotWritingGames/status/1609960251801112582
Mastodon: https://dice.camp/@notwriting/109620746803460647
Cohost: https://cohost.org/NotWriting/post/768854-haxen-now-on-kicksta
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