Hi this is my first blog post tell me if I did anything incorrectly or have a better way to accomplish the same thing :D
I believe any one reading this post should know what a game jam is(If you don't know here's a guide). So I was browsing across game jams and came across After The End Of The World. Protect was the theme.
I heard that some people had a hard time thinking of an unique idea for a game jam. It is difficult when you only link the idea to popular games, like Side Scrolling 2D Games, Super Mario should pop up on your mind the first. Here's a tip from me to get an idea for game jam in a short period of time:
Let your mind wander around and try to link anything towards the theme.
Don't ask me how did I link the theme Protect to Greek mythology's Prometheus and Zeus, but anyway I did XD.
PS: You can use Google Keep to store your ideas. There are more related websites that are more game-development-idea oriented, but Google Keep is the easiest to be accessed.
With all the assets ready, time to start the timer in
3, 2, 1, Go!
If you don't know the main idea or concept my game is based on, check my game's description directly.
First thing I did is to create a new script duh. Can't do anything (at least most) without one.
My idea for the starting panel is to cover the main page, then starting the game without loading a new scene.
What you will do first depends on yourself, for me, I'd like to start with the core mechanic, which is generating random keys to be pressed. It let me kind of create other elements based on this mechanic easier.
(POV: you're blind and forgot 0 - 26 are 27 distinct numbers)
The code ends something like this. Further modification will be based on this.
Added hasStarted to observe has the game started.
Changed to KeyCode type instead of char for an easier access.
Finished the core mechanics part. Time to work on user interface and etc!
Ended as something like this. Can't be called perfect but at least I'm good with it.
My idea is to trigger the panel on button press, and deal damage to enemies.
After that it's just some boring stuff (Normal implementation of enemies and panel, with a lot of bugs)
A few:
tf it's so large
Ah yes, the 27th alphabet: {
No idea how will I even finish making this game when I forget adding 97,
After spending almost 80% of my 1 hour debugging, I don't have a lot of time yet so I gotta work faster.
startPanel = true;
I used audio from the asset store, kinda handy for game jams if you ask me.
Done! A bit off the 1 hour mark but pretty close and decent for a game jam
The feeling when you build the project that was built with hard work.
Of course, the total time shouldn't only take 1 hour. From ideas, assets to searching in Stack Overflow for help sums up to around 2 hours and more. But I'm just showcasing that building a project doesn't have to take a long time. A creative and well executed idea (unlike mine) is all that game jam requires you.
I guess this is the end of my post. Good luck to all game developers out there :D
Once again, try this game!
Check this out maybe
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