Hello and welcome to The Brant Initiative’s first ever blog post. Please, hold your applause to the end.
Now, you might be asking yourself ‘what is The Brant Initiative?’ and ‘why am I applauding alone in my room, that’s cringe?’.
The latter question, I can’t answer. That’s between you and the guy standing behind you. The former, however, is much easier.
The Brant Initiative was all started by our fearless leader Matthew, who believed that anyone could make a video game with the right opportunity. But as we all know, opportunities are hard to come in this industry, So Matt decided to make those opportunities himself. He’s our project manager, and jack of all trades, and the one to recruit the rest of the team.
The next member of The Brant Initiative is our Lead Artist and Generalist, Stephen. Stephen’s been an artist and lover of all things drawing, writing, and gaming for as long as he can remember. When Matt approached him with the opportunity to showcase his skills to a wider audience, it was a no-brainer.
Brought along for his coding and programming expertise is our third member, Anthony. Anthony is your typical video game nerd, and while he’s not an expert at any one game, he’s certainly played more than most. Whilst doing his studies in software engineering, Matt approached him with the opportunity to gain some hands on experience in game development. It goes without saying that he’s never looked back since.
Finally you have me, the one to bring it all together and make sense of the madness. Or at least make it readable. I’m not much of an artist, and even less of a programmer, but luckily for me all Matt needed now was a writer. Writing has always been my passion, and the opportunity to help bring my ideas to life and explore a different form of storytelling sounded like way too much fun to pass up.
And that’s the main team. Now for the part you all really care about, our current project.
Right now we’re working on a little flight simulator. It all started with the idea of how fun it would be to just completely randomise those tried and true controls that a player might be used to. The idea to throw in aliens and 1950’s space conspiracies seemed like the next logical step.
Keep an eye out on this blog, and on our Twitter for updates on the game progress and all the other shenanigans that we’ll no doubt get up to.
Before we go, just a little piece of art to tide you over until next time
Damn, what a nice tree.
- GS
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