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Cyber Effects Bundle

A bundle hosted by Ivan Garcia Filho with content from elvismd, Ivan Garcia Filho
DRM free
Buy 12 items for $35 Regularly $114.99 Save 69%!
This bundle ended 2021-09-01T03:00:00Z.

Includes the following items:

At $35.00 or above

Circuit Tree Generator (using unity Particle System)
Geometric Visual Effects Using Unity's Particle System
Geometric Visual Effects using purely Unity's Particle System
A comb shaped grid sphere with the cells animated through a vertex shader for Unity
A Cyber Beacon procedurally generated through Unity Particles
Cyber Crowns procedurally generated through Unity Particles
A Cyberpunk Girders procedurally generated through Unity Particles
Sonar using purely Unity's Particle System to detect collision from burst point
Cybernetic neon tunnels procedurally generated through Unity's Particle Systems
A neon Floor procedurally animated through Unity Particles
Particles Baker is a tool that exports Particles Systems from Unity to static meshes!
Circuitry like Visual Effects using Unity's Particle System and acoording sprite sheets