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Found In The Dark: A Creator's Day Bundle

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Buy 20 items for $25 Regularly ~$152 Save 83%!
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This bundle ended 2021-07-24T15:00:00Z.

Found in The Dark is a collection of over $150 of Forged In The Dark games, supplements and play aids bundled together for's Creator's Day. 

From Cyberpunk to coming of age, science-fiction to superheroes, fantasy to thriller, rules light to rules heavy, we have a huge range and variety of settings, systems and supplements which show the breadth and creativity of Forged In The Dark designers, all at a significant discount. Thank you for checking it out!

Just a brief note on pricing- whilst we have set a low price on this bundle in order to allow as many people as possible to consider buying it, at the current price creators get only $2/purchase. If you are financially able to do so we recommend tipping between $10 and $20 to support the developers involved in the bundle!

Includes the following items:

At $25.00 or above

A Game of Transhuman(ist) Art in the Far Future of Humanity
Post-Fall Science Fiction, Forged in the Dark.
Near Future, Forged in the Dark
A Forged in the Dark RPG of folklore and melodramatic action
Biker gangs surviving a corporate-fueled climate apocalypse, FitD
A modern cold-war roleplaying game forged in the dark
Anti-Heroes: Supers, Forged in the Dark
Role Playing
A solo dungeon crawling TTRPG
A high-octane, single session, 3-5 player GM-less, Forged In The Dark, goof of a game about space robbing a space train.
Bumbling B-Side Supers
A Free Slugblaster One-Shot
Unusual Suspects Jam BitD Playbook Submission
The Samaat a BitD Playbook of Blood Essence
Brave children explore strange dreamscapes.
A downtime expansion of character-focused minigames for Blades in the Dark
Cyberpunk pamphlet TTRPG for one-shots
Cowgirls Exploring a Magical World
exploring strange worldscapes
A TTRPG of dark hallways, deadly monsters, dwindling resources, and impending doom! Forged in the Dark horror!
An RPG about Class and Revolution