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Bundle for At-risk and Houseless Youth

A bundle hosted by tim zee with content from 22 creators.
DRM free
Buy 31 items for $10 Regularly ~$123 Save 91%!
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This bundle ended 2021-07-01T03:59:59Z.

This bundle of  TTRPG products is helping Horizons for Youth by donating 100% of proceeds (minus itch's fees) for every sale made until June 30.

Horizons for Youth is a Toronto-based charity that operates a youth shelter and provides services for at-risk and houseless youth. More information about Horizons for Youth can be found here:

If this bundle reaches its goal of $1,000, that money will be used to provide over 75 hours of counselling for shelter residents. 

This bundle was organized by timzee.

Please follow and support the wonderful creators who offered their work for this cause:

Includes the following items:

At $10.00 or above

a single-player journaling game
A storytelling game about the relationship between two (or more) immortals split between heaven and hell
A GM-less storygame about returning home and grappling with what has changed
When you can do nothing else, believe.
RPG for making flawed diverse characters.
A single-player map-making game from the world of Mnemonic
A short map-making game, made for friends in need.
An ultra-light RPG system for 2+ players requiring no cards or dice - just some friends and a little imagination.
Solo journaling game and GM supplement.
A solo-journaling (+ writing to friends) RPG meta-game about sending useful items to friends playing other games.
High-stakes, high-drama Reality TV Roleplaying
Role Playing
Two people, a beach, a stone and endless stories
Read Dune and journal your thoughts and feelings
A solo journaling RPG by Michael Whelan and Zoe Delahunty-Light
A Magical Girl Game
A Moon-Led Game for a Solitary Creative
A rules-lite 2-6 player RPG about surviving after the destruction of earth
a solo lyric game.
The pen and paper soccer game.
Explore and repurpose spaceships.
A game of magic and muscles.
A ttrpg of rollicking adventure, inspired by the fun legends of Robin Hood!
This is how to be a dad in 2 simple steps
Make a map, explore it, tell me about it, and find Home.
A solo tarot game about discovering yourself after memory loss
A Brighthammer compatible adventure.
a character-creation tabletop game