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Bundle for Trans Day of Remembrance

A bundle hosted by laurieoconnel Verified Account with content from 18 creators.
DRM free
Buy 22 items for $5 Regularly ~$143 Save 96%!
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This bundle ended 2020-11-27T00:00:00Z.

What is this bundle?
A group of awesome RPG creators have got together to make a bundle for trans day of remembrance. We've put togtether a whole load of paid games (Nearly $150 worth!)  that you can pick up at a fraction of their usual price. 

Why make this bundle?
With trans rights under attack across the world, healthcare, housing and employment is also becoming harder to access. Thousands of trans people are reliant on fundraisers to cover basic expenses or raise money for vital healthcare- healthcare that should be free and easy to access. This Friday (20th Nov) is Trans Day of Remembrance. We're honouring all the trans people who have been screwed over by this system, and hoping to give something back to those that are still strugglinG.

Where does the money go? 

98% of money from this fundraiser after transaction costs will be donated to individual trans crowdfunds. If you have a suggestion of a fundraiser to donate to, please DM me (@laurie_eee) on twitter.

What about that extra 2%?
We wanted to make joining this bundle accessible for everyone, including those who have yet to break even on the games they have produced. Games often take an enormous financial investment in terms of art, layout and time, and it's incredibly generous of creators to donate to this bundle. the remaining 2% will be going back to creators in this bundle who are struggling to break even, and yet agreed to donate their work anyway. Any further questions or want to add this game to your bundle? Please DM me (@laurie_eee) on twitter.

What if I want to support the game creators as well? 
Head to their itch pages and pick up one of their other games! Or get the game twice. Nobody's stopping you. :)

Includes the following items:

At $5.00 or above

Horror-noir one-shots with a pack of cards and no prep
A Fast, Customizable RPG Framework
A fast, simple narrative Dice-Pool RPG System.
Near Future, Forged in the Dark
The second edition of Songbirds.
Simple sci-fi bounty hunter ttrpg!
A solo dungeon crawling TTRPG
An RPG of political horror, Rooted in Trophy
An alien landscape in your back yard
A Free Slugblaster One-Shot
a studio ghibli hack of kids on bikes
3v3 HPless dice-poker tactical combat
An RPG about trans necromancers
A Quick And Dirty Game of Survival Horror
A one page retrospective
lofi rpg in a city of scum and villainy
he Forgotten is a live acting game that takes place in a city under siege during the last days of a civil war.
Role Playing
Adventures in a wild world filled with spirits and weird magic.
Roleplaying Post-humanity as they forge a new world after the Climate Cataclysm
Role Playing