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Health Care and Relief for Rae

DRM free
Buy 12 items for $15 Regularly $76.19 Save 80%!
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This bundle ended 2020-07-28T16:00:00Z.

Rae of Sword Queen Games is a brilliant pillar of indie TTRPGs, who has broadened the scenes design, delivered new cornerstones to its genres and lifted others up with their support and excitement. He is currently going through severe health problems, resulting in returning seizures and daily pain, which keeps him from most of his work as well as possible recovering activities. We hope you will help us provide him with material aid to relieve stress factors and make sick leave and recovery possible!

As long term stability is fundamental to keeping oneself's health intact, also consider becoming one of his patrons.

Please purchase above minimum price if you can.

Includes the following items:

At $15.00 or above

We wanted nothing more than our home.
A tabletop RPG where you carry out heists as supernatural foxes
a mod for your next ttrpg/ event
play out angst filled stories of ghosts and lovers, regrets and the death gods that fetch you
work hard. play gay. do magic.
A Sandman Laser's and Feelings hack with Duality on a Coin
All I can tell you is within the text.
Charcoal burners tend their fire and face the malice of the forest in this GMless historical RPG
Can you save yourselves in order to save the galaxy?
A 3 page game of belonging outside belonging, dead magic and a tower
Furry freerunning fools. Young, stupid and invincible.
Sunken Souls wandering the Ocean Floor. Drowned Demons singing in the distance.