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Kurt's Fantasy Birthday Bundle

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Buy 4 items for $20 Regularly $30.00 Save 33%!
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This bundle ended 2020-06-10T03:00:00Z.

In response to the nationwide protests against racial injustice and police brutality we will be donating the proceeds of this bundle to the split bail fund.  #BlackLivesMatter


To celebrate my birthday I've gathered four truly unique fantasy games for you to explore with your friends. Want to resurrect a dead friend, light up a vampire at a party, build your #brand live from a dungeon, or piece together a shattered multiverse? It's all here in Kurt's Fantasy Birthday Bundle!

Includes the following items:

a spooky storytelling ritual for 2 ("Most Innovative" nominee for the 2019 IGDN Indie Groundbreaker Awards!)
A Post-Dungeon Fantasy RPG of Wizard School Dropouts Robbing the Immortal Aristocracy
Lighthearted is a magical 80s RPG of self-discovery set in a modern fantasy neon dream world.
Magic saves the multiverse!