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Solos & Duets

DRM free
Buy 11 items for $25 Regularly $50.00 Save 50%!
This bundle ended 2020-05-01T04:00:00Z.

One-player (and a couple two-player) tabletop rpgs & larps, your entertainment for the quarantine!

Games by 5 indie designers: Anna Anthropy, Meguey Baker, Jeeyon Shim, Sharang Biswas, and Lucian Kahn!

Separately this combo of games would be $49, get them all for $25! 

Support independent artists today & escape boredom tomorrow!

Includes the following items:

At $25.00 or above

a spooky storytelling ritual for 2 ("Most Innovative" nominee for the 2019 IGDN Indie Groundbreaker Awards!)
A game about cooking, witchcraft, and the consequences of revenge.
a game about the pain and glory of transformation
a game for two players, one of whom is a dog
Can you best the mountain troll(s) in a game of chance in time to complete your quest?
A solo roleplaying game about love, longing, and friendship in a gay club.
10 solitaire role-playing games
A short game about everything. What do you want to keep?