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The Assure Amber's Abode Bundle

A bundle hosted by Michael T Lombardi Verified Account with content from 31 creators.
DRM free
Buy up to 61 items starting at $5
Save $56 at $5 · Save $239 at $10
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This bundle ended 2019-12-31T06:00:00Z.

Amber Underwood is an incredible, kind, and tireless freelance writer and designer in our community. But in this industry, even the hardest working and most talented among us are often only a few bad weeks away from serious trouble; in this case, Amber is on the verge of losing her housing.

Not to put too fine a point on it, loss of home is one of the worst things that can happen to a person, triggering a spiral that's hard to climb out of.

Everyone participating in this bundle is pulling together to encourage you and thank you for helping Amber retain housing this winter.

If you donate $10 or more you will unlock all of the content in this bundle as well as get your own custom item written by Michael Lombardi and a d10 list on a theme of your choice by Brian L.

Includes the following items: