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Test Kitchen Jam Bundle

A bundle hosted by Matthew Gravelyn Verified Account with content from Adira Slattery, Christine Prevas, Matthew Gravelyn, nolongerhere, Reizor
DRM free
Buy 5 items for $8
This bundle ended 2019-12-25T07:59:59Z.

A bundle of games submitted to the Test Kitchen Jam that ran in November. Get 4 games for just $8—that's 33% off! Here's what you will get:

Back to Back Fiction by I. L. Sherman is a 2-player game about interpreting and retelling a story, back to back. 

Chefkiss by Adira Slattery is a GM-less storytelling game about a group of test kitchen chefs and the struggles that befall them. 

Eat It All! by Ray Cox is 1-player game about exploring a city through its food. 

Who's Better Than Us?! by Matthew Gravelyn is a 2-player game about an internet celebrity chef and the video producer who tolerates them.

As an added bonus you'll also receive a free Fiasco playset, chow down! by Christine Prevas, a playset about a culinary magazine and their necessary shift to digital media. 

Includes the following items:

At $8.00 or above

a culinary Fiasco playset
A game about an internet chef and the producer who tolerates them
Youtube Test Kitchen Roleplaying
A writing game for two players.
A food eating game, for exploring towns and their iconic foods.