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New Beginnings

A bundle hosted by kumada1 with content from 50 creators.
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Buy 60 items for $20 Regularly $210.36 Save 90%!
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This bundle ended 2024-02-09T06:00:00Z.

The new year brings new friendships, new opportunities, and new games.

In celebration, we present the New Beginnings bundle.

Packed with indie TTRPGs (and some other goodies like computer games and fiction,) it's a good way to grab a ton of new titles, support some indie designers, and fill out your digital gaming shelves at a massive discount.


We've also got a few more games that we weren't able to fit into the bundle, but that we think you might like:

Spring Cleaning

The Final Days Of Schnarb


1st Goal - $500 - Passed!

Includes the following items:

At $20.00 or above

A grimdark, politically charged tabletop RPG set in space
A game about nobodies (like, literally no-bodies)
A Science Fiction Setting Supplement for A Letter-Writing Game for A Single Player
You and your magical friends are planning a surprise birthday party for someone special. Will there be a happy ending?
An RPG about finding meaning in the void
Defy the gods and steal chicken in this feature-length old-school trpg.
An introspective single player game in the form of a buisness
An introductory fantasy roleplaying game by Richard Kirke
a game of ecological horror with the backdrop of a solarpunk utopia. The world ain't saved yet.
A Dino-Solarpunk Tabletop Roleplaying Game
A remake of my childhood text adventure game
Play in browser
a Lost and Found game
A Solo Journaling game about longing, grief and personal growth
It is time to begin your journey: new skies, new sights, new shapes to see above familiar ground.
Llamas and alpacas hum on down to Nest
A coming-of-age romp-around-the-galaxy for 1-5 fledgling voyagers.
Will is excited to learn magic! Help them learn to wait, watch, and ask before making TOO much mess!
Will gets to go on a mission today! Help them remember all the spells they know and see what's out there!
A very simple game about seeing how far you can Pass the Spring
Today is Will's final test before becoming a full wizard! Help them quest for everything needed to make their wand!
A corvid Carta game about exploration and making a home for yourself.
A lighthearted 200-word RPG for 1 player, letting you RP as a CEO of TEA.
A solo ttrpg of identity and self reflection
excessive footnotes / killing the author / woes in translation
A playtest for an original, setting agnostic, rules-lite 4d6 based TTRPG system by Amelia Fey Parsons
A dwarven communist manifesto.
A set of 19 alternative Crowns of the Queen for Brindlewood Bay (English and German)
From a child with dreams to a legend of the stars.
A Solarpunk Collaborative Story-telling and Role-playing Game, based on the Four Points system.
Funny Story book
Find and Build a New Home, But Remember the Past
A solo rpg about a journey and the epic written about it a century later
A solo tarot-based journaling game to remember your past lives.
Souls-like Pamphlet TTRPG
A "Nighmare searchs for a new meaning" Solo RPG
Role Playing
Characters, missions, and rules for Cy’s newest deathmatch dancehall.
A solo-journalling game based in mindfulness
A game zine to help motivate you toward your goals
The despotic Wizard rules the land. Help mortals solve their problems on your way to kill the Wizard!
A GM-less RPG for 2 players
You are the land. React to and influence events, or simply pay witness to your changing landscape.
A game about non-human cosmonauts embarking on a whimsical, surreal, and existential journey through their solar system.
Create new adventures from books you've read with five unique bookmark games on one page!
A very calm and cozy snowboarding game!
A TTRPG horror supplement compatible with 5E, OSE and Pathfinder 2E
A collaborative storytelling horror card game for 2+ players.
the struggle within
A simple PowerPoint Video Template for creating a video Opening to your TTRPG session
As A Ninja, We must wait even if we die
Can you rescue someone whose vices are destroying the lives of those around them?
A pocket-sized RPG of solarpunk rebellion in a cyberpunk setting!
Who is threatening to ruin AQUA's farewell concert? Can you stop them?
A one-page roleplaying game about selling worthless crap!