From mid-September to mid-November we ran the Iron Country Autumn jam for the game Bump in the Dark with the intention of creating hunts (adventures) and other supplements for and based on the game which we would then bundle together to raise money for Pathfinders, a local, Milwaukee-based organization dedicated to connecting youth with housing and mental health support. Pathfinders uses a housing first, harm reduction approach to their work and have operated in some form since the late 1960s, focusing all their services on youth since the early 2000s. Pathfinder's Street Beat program is the city's only youth-focused street outreach effort.
The goal of this bundle is to offer an inexpensive way for you to purchase the supplements made for the jam while also supporting an important cause. The bundle is modeled after the Slugblaster Bundle for Teen Mental Health which raised over $1000 for Mermaids, a UK-based mental health program for youth.
Includes the following items: