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Hearthside TTRPG

A bundle hosted by kumada1 with content from 50 creators.
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Buy 65 items for $25 Regularly ~$206 Save 87%!
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This bundle ended 2023-11-20T05:00:00Z.

A crackling fire. A bubbling pot of stew. Mugs of mulled cider.

And tabletop roleplaying games?

The Hearthside TTRPG bundle is a collection of games centered around themes of food, fire, darkness, communities, and taverns.

There's about fifty titles in here, with most being small standalone TTRPGs, but there's a few longer rpgs, supplements for big systems, and even computer games mixed in.

We have vampires, post-apocalypses, cozy romance, rustic inn management, cavemen, tea blending, pyromancy, and more.

Every purchase helps support indie designers and encourages more weird and communal TTRPGs.


Edit 11/11/23: We've passed our first goal at $500! Thank you to everyone who has bought the bundle! Your support helps sustain the development of more weird and cozy rpgs.

Includes the following items: