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Card Sharp TTRPG

A bundle hosted by kumada1 with content from 50 creators.
DRM free
Buy 66 items for $25 Regularly ~$259 Save 90%!
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This bundle ended 2023-07-10T05:00:00Z.

There's something immensely satisfying about fanning a deck of cards. Or about playing exactly the right pair at exactly the right time.

Here in this bundle are 50+ games that capture that feeling and use it to tell stories about dragons, dungeons, demons, outer space, transforming cars, and more.

Grab a heap of titles from all across the indie and prove that, compared to dice, cards are the superior tabletop fidget accessory.


(All purchases of this bundle are split evenly between contributors and help to fund the creation of new games and gaming material.)


Due to bundle space limitations, we were not able to fit these other card games, but they're also super cool and you should check them out:

Inspiration Arcanum -

Gears And Passions -

Fighting Monsters -

Up To Eleven Engine -

Retrospective Games SRD -


6.21.23 - We've passed our first goal as a bundle! The new goal has been updated to $500. Thank you so much for supporting us, and for supporting card-based TTRPGs.

6.26.23 - We've passed our second goal! We've also added some more links to card TTRPGs that we weren't able to fit in the bundle itself, but that are cool and we think you might like.

7.1.23 - Third goal cleared! Thank you all for your support!

Includes the following items: