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Fantasy Is The Best!

A bundle hosted by Aaron Goss with content from 50 creators.
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Buy 57 items for $25 Regularly $276.83 Save 90%!
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This bundle ended 2023-05-15T00:00:00Z.

“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” - Arthur C. Clarke

Of all the genres of speculative fiction that leave reality behind, our divination spells have determined that Fantasy Is The Best! To celebrate this auspicious and accurate portent, we’ve brought together a wide variety of fantasy tabletop roleplaying games from a diverse band of creators!

Don’t agree with us? Think a laser sword is better than a magic sword, a giant robot can beat a dragon, and hyperspace is superior to planeshifting? Well, then it would seem you think Sci-Fi Is The Best! Vote with your gold coins and let’s see which Bundle wins!

All purchases of this bundle are split evenly between contributors and help to fund the creation of new games and gaming material.

This bundle is a paired, co-bundle with the "Sci-Fi Is The Best!" TTRPG bundle, in the spirit of lighthearted competition of showing which genre is your favourite. Feel free to use the art below on social media with the hashtag #FantasyIsTheBest to promote your love for fantasy games, and get this bundle to beat the Sci-Fi bundle!

(Or, you know, we can all agree that Fantasy Science Is The Best and buy both!)

Thou Hast Slain the Monster fantasy art by Sterrett, Virginia Frances.

Woman In Space Suit Sitting On Floor photo by Mikhail Nilov.

All bundle images assembled by Whimsy Machine.

Special Mentions

Games that didn't make it into the bundle before the cut-off date but are still awesome and worth checking out!

  • GOLEM by The Bardic Inquiry, a solo roleplaying game designed to tell stories about a being twisted by magic who travels the lands to right the wrong.
  • Wild Castle by Malzone Studios, a work-in-progress platform game that aims to bring back the fun and charisma of retro platform games as you run away from snakes and rats and are quick to avoid traps.

Includes the following items:

At $25.00 or above

A Storytelling Card Game About Refusing (or Accepting) Your Destiny
Fast and simple fantasy action
The Story of Finding Your Dragon Lover Again
A Post-Apocalyptic Cowboy-Knights RPG ~ Cars, Guns, Swords, & Mercy
A solo dungeon crawling TTRPG
The Final Journey Of A Legendary Hero
A Trophy Dark One-Shot
A fantasy tabletop RPG when you choose your characters and then create the world
Pirates pursuing fugitives from Davy Jones Locker
A cute TTRPG where characters are magical pets at a magic school (Lasers & Feelings hack, in English & German).
An RPG of Swords and Silk
Your Weapon defines your Character
A game for young adventurers to get active while catching and helping a cranky dragon.
A mosaic world of magical planes and mysterious mutations.
A game for little *wizards* <):-}
Betray or be betrayed in the world of dark elves.
A map-based stone age fantasy game about coming of age
A solo journaling experience about childhood, exploration and finding your own safe place.
A solo game about loving a malicious monarch.
Llamas and alpacas hum on down to Nest
Search the perilous and magical land of Teawitch for coveted tea ingredients!
Off into the woods with ye.
A Push-powered fantasy adventure game
A solo ttrpg about map making and discovery
A simple ruled OSR RPG system
Role Playing
A Four Points RPG about Goblins learning Magic!
A game of young love and alchemy powered by Caltrop Core
A narrative, collaborative TTRPG of gothic horror, monster hunting, and struggling to survive using the Push SRD
A Game of Backstabbing Fae Politics
Princess of Pain // Princesses in Pain - tales of Sword and Sorcery written in glitter and blood
Reborn of the Sun; A 3d6D Space Fantasy RPG
A Sword Dream of wandering exorcist warriors on a discordant mountain
A world-building game about political intrigue, and the development of a nation, country, or city.
A two player TTRPG about a broken relationship and the opportunity to fix it.
Souls-Like Dark Fantasy TTRPG
A spooky, funny YA short story about a young trans kid and a drain monster.
The war of The Heavens is fought in this world.
A gothic high fantasy strategy roleplaying game.
A sapphic duet Caltrop Core TTRPG about risking everything for your happily-ever-after.
A charming 2-player TTRPG of preparing the perfect magical ritual.
A ttrpg about managing lost items with magical properties.
A legacy solo narrative game about the cycle of life of mycelium
Reimagine your day in this daily journaling game
Simple TTRPG about demigods
a game of learning and initiation for one
Experience the Magic
Spend time by the campfire reminiscing on misadventures with your companions.
A roleplaying game of legacies and connections for two players
It has called you and you have answered
Use FIST to play as Arthurian knights, going on quests and fighting for the King!
Viking Nordic Epic TTRPG
A dice-rolling, card-collecting game for 1+ players.
Roll a handful of d6s and build a story for your Adventurer to share during their respite!