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TTRPGs for Trans Rights in Florida

A bundle hosted by Rue (ilananight) with content from 254 creators.
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Buy 505 items for $5 Regularly ~$1,996 Save 99%!
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This bundle ended 2023-04-08T10:00:00Z.

Fundraising Goals SMASHED:

$50,000 ✅
$100,000 ✅
$250,000 ✅

Florida has passed an alarming number of bills and executive orders directly impacting trans and queer people- especially youth. Chief among these are a ban for gender affirming healthcare, a gag order on the mention of LGBTQ+ topics and identities in schools, and bans on trans participation in youth and school sports. 

In response, we've brought together all of these games as part of the TTRPGs for Trans Rights in Florida bundle, a sequel to last year's TTRPGs for Trans Rights in Texas!

Just like the Texas bundle, we've chosen two charities that work directly with trans folx on the ground in Florida, to get the most direct aid to those who need it most. Our charity partners are: Zebra Youth and Transinclusive Group.

Zebra Youth is a network of organizations which provide services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and all youth (LGBTQ+) ages 13 – 24. The Youth assists young people facing homelessness, bullying, isolation from their families, and physical, sexual and drug abuse with individualized programs to guide them to recovery and stability.

Founded in 2017, Transinclusive Group is a transgender-led, 501(c)(3) nonprofit that advocates to protect and defend equality for all transgender and LGBTQ+ individuals in South Florida by building trust and relationships with community providers to end discrimination, stigma, and racial disparities to address social determinants of health. As an advocacy driven organization with a concentrated focus on serving transgender people of color, Transinclusive Group works to ensure that everyone has equitable access to essential services, support, and resources. From emergency crisis assistance to peer support groups, TIG provides a wide spectrum of innovative community support systems.

TIG is also a recipient of this year's Florida AIDS Walk, and as such, funds donated through this bundle will be matched by the AIDS Walk, up to $500,000.

The folks at Action Fiction have a special gift for our supporters! Donate to the TTRPGS for Trans Rights in Florida at 10$ or above, and they'll send you a PDF copy of the 100% queer led, and queer-designed 5e supplement "Monsters of Murka: Chromatic Gamut." If you purchased this charity bundle at or above $10, send a screencap of your receipt to this form to receive your game file!

We're excited to announce that Chaosium Inc. has also partnered with us on this project! Anyone who purchases the bundle at any price point can fill out this form and receive Alone Against the Dark, a solo ruleset for Call of Cthulhu!

Atarashi Games is also partnering with us! They are offering The Magical Land of Yeld to backers! Fill out the same form as above (linked again here) to get access to this game!

David Doub of Odyssey Comics and Shonuff Studios has also donated, a gaming-related comic, Little Death, to this bundle! Filling out the form above will also get you access to this comic!

Planet X Games is also partnering with us on this! Filling out the form above will get you access to two of their OSR zines!

Polyhedra GamesPolyhedra Games has donated Justice Velocity, the Justice Velocity Quickstart Guide, and their Mork Borg module “The Plagued Crypt of Helvete”.

Dungeon in a Box has joined the party! If you fill out the form, you will also receive two of their D&D one shots: A Giant Crush and Death. Save. Repeat. 

If you're a publisher who doesn't use and want to contribute, please reach out to Rue ( for more information.

Includes the following items: