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Black Friday BOGstravaganza!

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Buy 11 items for $26.66 Regularly $57.50 Save 53%!
This bundle ended 2022-11-29T06:00:00Z.

ELEVEN Creators! ONE Bundle! GREAT Price! 

Everyone in this package are members of the Bogfolk CoOp and now working TOGETHER! With even more incredible people beyond this stunning list of indie TTPRG Luminaries. Follow the Bogfolk at our itch page BOGFOLK and join in the conversation on the discord BOGFOLK CAFÉ. Until then, here's a veritable smorgasbord of gaming goodness for your holiday table

Here's all that's included for an astounding 50% off discount...
  • The Blood Moon Vernissage This adventure takes players through an enchanted gallery involving six sinister paintings and a dark ritual which awaits them at the end.  For FRONTIER SCUM.
  • Slasher Zine 20 entries to the Slasher Jam across 2 volumes. Volume 1 contains classes, items, and monsters. Volume 2 contains the adventures. For MÖRK BORG.
  • The Bark Witch of Carcass Country A procedural pointcrawl of terror for FRONTIER SCUM.
  • RPG Editor RPG You’ve been hired to edit a major RPG while “maintaining” order on your Discord server, writing blog posts about RPGs and about editing them, occasionally playing RPGs, and being a mother f’n dog.
  • Doorway to Blasphemy Doorway to Blasphemy is the first adventure designed to be played with QVKE BORG: Foul Adventures in a Doomed Dimension - an expansion for MÖRK BORG.
  • Adventure Chapbook Vol 3 Three foul, blasphemous cults to add some intrigue to the Dying World. For MÖRK BORG.
  • d6 ARKFORT etc A small set of d6-based GM-less pocket RPGs—each RPG is based on DARK FORT, a very simple solo dungeon-crawling game.
  • Fever Simple Sludge A one shot adventure for your favorite urban fantasy tabletop RPG. Submitted as a part of the Random Adventure Jam. Best for 2-4 players plus GM.
  • Death in the Saddle A Western Hack/Adaptation of the Sci-Fi RPG Death In Space. It's a wacky-wild-west rpg with some slight sci-fi and some overt occult elements.
  • Mechanical Cannibal Rip it out. Then plug it in. The future of cannibalism—is now. A class for CY_BORG.
  • Clamdash! For a few hours each year, the seas beneath the glaciers of Kergüs retreat, revealing salted dungeons in their wake. Within these waterlogged tunnels of ice—the CLAMS. For MÖRK BORG.

Don't miss out on your chance to own all of these works for the real steal of 2022. Call now, operators are standing by (please don't actually call, there are no operators)!

Includes the following items:

At $26.66 or above

A Kergüsian scenario compatible with MÖRK BORG
A collection of slasher products for MÖRK BORG
The 30 Days of MÖRK BORG Adventure Chapbook series continues with three heretical religions in Volume 3!
A system agnostic monster slaying adventure for the Random Adventure Jam
A Western Sci-Fi system inspired by Death In Space
Rip it out. Then plug it in. The future of cannibalism—is now.
a horror swampcrawl for Frontier Scum
d6-only GM-less pocket RPGs—based on DARK FORT & MÖRK BORG
A game about editing an RPG while maintaining control over your discord server.
An artistic adventure for FRONTIER SCUM