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Dreams In Development [October\November 2022]

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Pay what you want for 27 items
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This bundle ended 2022-12-02T04:00:00Z.

We are reaching out once more to hopefully gain some support for the development of in-dev titles. Many products are Works In Progress, and would appreciate the support.

This time around, our Dreams In Development bundle is roleplaying game themed. Roleplaying tabletop\video games. Let us raise some funding for these projects~!

Includes the following items:

At $15.00 or above

An adventure in early development.
A sneaky micro TTRPG about a gang of honorable master thieves, who seek to only steal from other criminals.
A whimsical micro TRPG about young Protectors traveling between their world (Sanubari) and Fäerie with their mentor.
The entomologists apocalypse: A TTRPG
Una aventura con tintes bíblicos.

Pay any amount

​Un juego de Vigilantes basado en PUSH hecho a mano. [WIP]
The Skeleton War against the Death Cult of Capitalism
An optimistic science fiction playset for the PARAGON system.
A magical micro TTRPG about little faeries trying to make children's dreams come true.
An ENDEAVOUR Adventure by Michael Purcell
A fluffy micro journaling TTRPG about a monster who came out from under the bed to go look for their missing child.
An ENDEAVOUR Adventure by Michael Purcell
A discovery micro TTRPG about finding out you have a dissociative disorder and trying to connect with your other alters.
A discovery micro TTRPG about finding out the truth about the monsters that inhabit the lands.
A cheerful micro TTRPG about celebrating your birthday.
A an introspective micro TTRPG about rewriting your past and changing your history.
A compelling solo journaling TTRPG about making up stories to cheer up another patient like yourself.
A parody TTRPG about being super cereal
An immortal micro TTRPG about vampires
A bright micro solo journaling TTRPG about becoming a star.
A tiny micro TTRPG about little monsters that spawn from bad dreams.
A haunting micro TTRPG about two ghosts fighting for the possession and control of a single body.
An ENDEAVOUR Adventure by Michael Purcell
A micro TTRPG about taking care of your farm.
A caretaking micro TTRPG about keeping your child safe at all costs.
A sneaky micro TTRPG about being a mischievous raccoon.
An ENDEAVOUR Adventure by Michael Purcell