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VisuStella Worlds Sale

A bundle hosted by Archeia with content from Archeia, VisuStella
DRM free
Buy 5 items for $100 Regularly $199.95 Save 49%!
This bundle ended 2022-08-30T16:00:00Z.

❓ Do you need a world rich in variety?
❓ Enjoy a crisp pixel art aesthetic but don't want to sacrifice resolution?

With the VisuStella Worlds tiles, you can craft areas to explore, secrets to uncover and much, much more!

RPG Maker Users

Do you want more flexibility to use these tiles? Use in tandem with the Tiled Plugin!

Make sure you don't miss it!

Includes the following asset packs:

At $100.00 or above

The ring of a school bell, the happy laughter of children that eventually fades into a haunting, empty silence.
The bustling streets of a downtown city are alive and now you can create that too!
The imposing walls and steepled roofs stretching high toward the heavens welcomes you
What city is complete without the hustle and bustle of a transit system?
Vast galaxies, sterile living quarters, the unfathomable depths of space at the palm of your hand.