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Light in the Darkness TTRPG Bundle

A bundle hosted by Lucky Newt Games with content from 50 creators.
DRM free
Buy 82 items for $20 Regularly ~$191 Save 89%!
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This bundle ended 2022-09-14T07:00:00Z.

Between various events, the world has been sinking into dark times these past few years. All it takes is a single light to fight the darkness. Imagine what will happen when several lights are gathered together? Fifty creators have offered 82 creations so we can find out. 

Games, their supplements, and thought exercises have the power to influence emotions. Whether it's a solo game that empowers a player through visualization and journaling, a setting that brings comfort and joy to an already-loved game, or a multiplayer game that gets players to laugh with silly interactions, games can help turn a person's day around. Each item in this bundle is guaranteed to warm your heart, lift your spirits, guide you through difficult times, bring laughter to the table, or some combination to make your day a little brighter. 

All profits are split evenly amongst all creators, so every purchase helps us create even more games. 

Grab a bundle now, and let's light up the darkness.

Includes the following items: