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Bundle for Buffalo

A bundle hosted by Lynne M. Meyer with content from 153 creators.
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Buy 180 items for $5 Regularly ~$958 Save 99%!
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This bundle ended 2022-06-21T04:59:59Z.

The mass shooting at a supermarket in Buffalo, NY on May 14, 2022 was a targeted hate crime in a Black community.

Words are not enough; "ally" is a verb — we must be actively anti-racist. And so, we created this bundle to support the victims and survivors through providing funding for Black- and Brown-led grassroots social justice work in the Buffalo community.

Proceeds from this bundle will go to the Buffalo-based Black Love Resists in the Rust, "a member-led, abolitionist organization of Black folk and POC that believe – through leadership development, a shared politic, and community organizing – we will build safe and flourishing communities that resist the ills of white supremacist, cis-heteropatriarchal, capitalism; including policing. We ground our work in these four pillars: Transformative Organizing, Healing Justice, Embodied Leadership and Political Education."

In response to the shooting, BLRR  is working to link people to and pay for ongoing mental health services, and partnering with  other community members and orgs to ensure folks in the community have access to fresh foods.

Thank you to Leona Maple for co-organizing this bundle!

Anyone who contributes at least $15 to the bundle will be gifted 2 months of gift subs from the Neon Lights Roleplay community, a wonderfully-inclusive space for marginalized TTRPG fans. Just send a copy of your receipt to their Twitter.

The folks at Action Fiction have a special gift for our supporters! Buy the #BundleForBuffalo at $25 or above, and they'll send you their 3 PDF bundle of Monsters of Murka, a 5e supplement. If you purchased this charity bundle at or above $25, send a screencap of your receipt to this form to receive your game file!

Next up, PossumPunks has an AMAZING offer! Buy the #BundleForBuffalo for $200 or more and they'll say thank you with a Custom Fantasy Battlemap Commission of your choice!  Just DM the receipt to PossumPunks🌈!

Includes the following items: